With a special blending formula based on the combination of the best 4 types of Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, Catimor beans as well as the world’s leading coffee processing technologies and secrets that cannot be copied, Trung Nguyenn S coffee has the brown water color, rich aroma, and rich taste are a true companion on the path to CONQUERING SUCCESS. Suitable for those who have a “taste” for drinking strong coffee. Suitable for all drinking methods.
User manual Trung Nguyen S Coffee 100g:
– Put 3 tablespoons (about 20g) of ground coffee into the filter.
– Shake well and gently press the inner lid.
– Use about 20ml of 96 – 100 degree pure water in the filter, wait for the coffee to absorb evenly, then add 45ml of boiling water.
– Add sugar, milk, ice as desired